
Our Mission

Independence and Profitability

The Pharmacist Choice is solely dedicated to the practice of independent community pharmacy.  TPC strives to provide community pharmacy owners with the benefits obtained through a larger group such as collective buying and bargaining power.  But we realize that is no longer enough. For an independent pharmacy to thrive, it needs a group that will work to thwart the threats and capitalize on opportunities.

TPC understands that choice and flexibility are important. In our rapidly changing economy, you do not need to be locked into a lengthy contract with limited options. We strive to partner with smaller independently-owned companies that share our pharmacies fair-minded approach to business.

An Experienced Team

The Pharmacist Choice team has over 73 years of previous experience working for pharmacy buying groups and 25 years in the world of PSAOs and third party contracting.  Our team members have worked for start-ups, Fortune 100 companies and some have owned small businesses, including pharmacies. Now we are using that wealth of knowledge to benefit TPC’s subscribers.